26. Goodwill

Goodwill 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 (restated)
Alior Bank 720,569 -
Lietuvos Draudimas AB 358,766 358,835
Non-life insurance mass-client segment (Link4) 221,377 221,377
Codan branch 112,303 112,319
AAS Balta 38,251 38,258
Health care companies 49,633 29,580
Other 5,546 8,675
Total goodwill 1,506,445 769,044
Changes in goodwill 1 January - 31 December 2015 1 January - 31 December 2014 (restated)
Gross value of goodwill – opening balance 776,076 20,123
Changes in the period: 735,448 755,953
- acquisition of Alior Bank 720,569 1) -
- acquisition of Lietuvos Draudimas AB - 358,835 2)
- acquisition of Link4 – non-life insurance mass-client segment - 221,377 3)
- acquisition of Codan Branch - 110,399
- acquisition of AAS Balta - 37,348
- acquisition of other entities 20,053 29,651
- sale of PZU Lithuania (3,128) -
- exchange differences (2,046) (1,657)
Gross value of goodwill – closing balance 1,511,524 776,076
Impairment losses – opening balance (7,032) (11,604)
Changes in impairment losses due to exchange differences 1,953 4,572
Impairment losses – closing balance (5,079) (7,032)
Net value of goodwill – closing balance 1,506,445 769,044

1) Information on the acquisition of Alior Bank is presented in Note

2) Change in goodwill results from the final settlement of acquisition of the Lietuvos Draudimas AB shares, specified in Note

3) Change in goodwill results from the final settlement of acquisition of the Link4 shares, specified in Note

Impairment test

Impairment test is the comparison of carrying amounts (including goodwill) and recoverable amounts of CGUs. For all the foreign entities and Polish non-insurance entities CGUs are particular companies or their foreign branches which are subject to separate internal monitoring. At the moment of final settlement of the acquisition price, the goodwill resulting from the acquisition of Link4 was fully allocated to the mass-client segment, which – due to the integration of Link4’s business with PZU as part of realization of the two brands strategy assuming synergy resulting from mass-client portfolio management and sale of additional insurance products – is the smallest CGU to which the goodwill can be assigned. Impairment test regarding goodwill was prepared as at 31 December 2015.

For the purposes of the test, the carrying amount of the mass-client insurance segment was determined on the basis of net asset allocation of PZU Group. The assets were allocated in the same proportion as the one between the hypothetical solvency capital requirement, which may be assigned to the mass insurance segment, and total capital solvency requirement.

The recoverable amount of individual CGUs was determined based on value in use, using the discounted cash flow method based on the most up-to-date, approved by PZU Group financial projections not exceeding 5 years, which have been presented in the table below. The discount rates used for the test of insurance companies and Alior Bank were determined based on the level of the cost of equity. In the case of medical companies, the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) was used. The cost of equity was determined according to the CAMP model. In addition, in justified cases, the adjustments regarding size premium were made. Risk-free rates have been determined based on the yield of 10-year government bonds offered by the country where the CGU has it registered seat; the beta ratio has been based on ratios of similar listed entities. Market premiums amounted to 5.5% (in 2014: 5.5–6.0%). In the case of insurance companies and Alior Bank, the projected cash flows include the need to maintain an adequate level of own funds (for branches that do not manage investments, assets under management at the level of the parent company were allocated pro forma). Terminal growth rates were determined taking into consideration long-term development prospects concerning the expected growth of the market in which a given entity operates. In the case of insurance entities operating in the Baltic states, an adjustment regarding the expected growth of insurance penetration rate (share of insurance premiums in GDP) amounting to 0.2–0.3 p.p. was taken into consideration. In the remaining cases, growth indicators do not exceed long-term prospects of GDP development of a given country in nominal terms.


CGU 31 December 2015 31 December 2014
  Discount rate Growth rate after the forecast period Financial projections horizon Discount rate Growth rate after the forecast period Financial projections horizon
Lietuvos Draudimas AB 5.6% 3.7% 4 years 6.6% 3.7% 5 years
AAS Balta 5.8% 3.8% 4 years 6.3% 3.8% 5 years
Codan branch 5.8% 3.5% 4 years 5.5% 3.5% 5 years
Mass-client insurance segment 1) 7.5% 2.5% 5 years 7.8% 2) 2.5% 5 years 2)
Alior Bank 8.9% 3.0% 5 years n/a n/a n/a
Health care companies 6.6-9.1% 2.0-3.0% 4-5 years 7.2% 30.0% 4-5 years

1) Including goodwill resulting from the acquisition of Link4.

2) As at 31 December 2014, during the measurement period, impairment test was carried out at the level of Link 4 and the assumptions to the test have been presented in the columns marked 31 December 2014.

As a result of the test, there was no reason for impairment losses recognition. The table below shows the surplus of the recoverable amounts over the carrying amounts and the maximum discount rates and minimum terminal growth rate, at the level of which the carrying amount of a CGU equals its recoverable amount.

CGU 31 December 2015 31 December 2014
  Surplus(PLN thousand) Terminal discount rate Terminal growth rate after the forecast period Surplus(PLN thousand) Terminal discount rate Terminal growth rate after the forecast period
Lietuvos Draudimas AB 693,103 7.5% 0.6% 676,160 8.9% 0.9%
AAS Balta 728,326 14.4% (23.4%) 602,798 13.7% (7.7%)
Codan branch 109,091 8.3% (13.9%) 442,738 12.9% (7.2%)
Mass-client insurance segment 6,264,698 1) 28.2% n/a. 2) 220,4113) 9.7%3) (0.7%)3)
Alior Bank 1,383,491 4) 10.4% 1.5% n/a n/a n/a
Health care companies 52,773 8.2-13.9% (5.6)-2.3% 18,555 9.2% - 9.3% 0.1% - 0.5%

1) Surplus of recoverable amount of mass-client segment over its carrying amount along with goodwill resulting from the acquisition of Link4.

2) The value of discounted cash flows in the forecast period exceeds the carrying amount assigned to the mass segment, hence the value of the terminal growth rate after the forecast period was not presented.

3) As at 31 December 2014, during the measurement period, impairment test was carried out at the level of Link 4 and the results and sensitivity analysis of the test have been presented in the columns marked 31 December 2014.

4) Surplus of the CGU’s recoverable amount over the carrying amount (100% of Alior Bank’s consolidated net assets) along with the allocated goodwill.