Level of employment
Headcount in the PZU Group in 2015 was 16.8 thousand employees. Females were prevalent among the employees in PZU and PZU Życie, with the percentage of women in the headcount structure remaining steady.
In 2015, the average annual employment in PZU Group amounted to 16.8 thousand employees calculated as FTEs (excluding Alior Bank employees), whereas 11 thousand people were employed in PZU and PZU Życie.
In 2015, the majority of employees in both companies (PZU and PZU Życie) were women. At the end of 2015, they represented nearly 62% of the total number of employees.
It should be noted that the proportion of women in the employment structure has been stable in recent years. Nearly 80% of PZU and PZU Życie employees had higher education. The employee age structure also remains stable. In December 2015, nearly 70% of the employees were under 44 years old.
On the 8 of April 2015, the Management Boards of PZU and PZU Życie declared their intention to conduct collective redundancies in accordance with the Act on the specific principles of terminating labor relationships for reasons not attributable to employees dated on the 13 of March 2003. The restructuring took place in Q2 2015. It covered 267 people in PZU and PZU Życie, including the employment reduction which pertained to 134 PZU and PZU Życie employees.
The people who were dismissed or who did not accept the changes in the terms and conditions of employment (the same as during all stages of employment restructuring, namely in 2010–2014) were offered more favorable conditions of leaving than those provided for by law in similar situations. The amount of additional redundancy payment depended on the length of service with PZU Group and the salary of each employee.
Employment at PZU and PZU Życie per age (%)
Employment at PZU and PZU Życie per education level (%)
Salary policy
In 2015, PZU continued its remuneration and recruitment policy which covers all internal principles concerning salaries for relevant groups of employees. Such principles are determined in accordance with the generally applicable rules of law, PZU internal regulations and corporate governance.
The main premises of PZU Group’s remuneration policy include:
- awarding and retaining best talents by offering a competitive remuneration scheme, as well as trainings and career development options;
- planning replacements at positions within PZU Group by development of career paths and programs for workers and managerial staff;
- recruiting the best employees (including young talents) by building an image of the company as an employee of choice, by effective recruitment and selection process;
- supporting non-professional activities of PZU Group employees, i.e. by engaging them in the Group’s CSR actions, such as employee volunteering program.
The remuneration scheme includes the nature and scope of the company’s operations, its functioning sectors, as well as market practices.
A part of remuneration subject to variations is developed on the basis of the above-mentioned factors and depends on the group of employees it concerns. The applicable remuneration policy is based on a performance result management system, competence assessment and on-going adjustment of the remuneration scheme to changing conditions. This applies especially to the variable part of remuneration and extra benefits.
The PZU Group remuneration system is based on an annual employee assessment which constitutes a part of modern motivational system and awarding the best personnel. The annual competence assessment system and the quarterly target determination and settlement system covers the following:
- „Płacimy za wyniki” (We pay for results) – a new performance management system – a quarterly assessment of target achievement (adjusting targets to managerial level and business specifics), whereas achievement level of quarterly targets translates into the bonus amount;
- „Ocena DNA PZU” (PZU DNA appraisal) – a competence assessment model for employees and leaders;
- „Roczna ocena pracownika” (Annual performance review) – employee development plan based on the analysis of target achievement and competence assessment.
The solutions applied within the remuneration policy allowed to develop a relation between effectiveness and competence level and pay rises, development choices and promotions.
They constitute a tool for managers that helps to manage targets/tasks/motivation of their teams, as well as identify and develop employees with exceptional competence levels.
Recruitment, training and building an image of an employer of choice
In 2015, a new recruitment module was successfully implemented in HRM (Saba Enterprise) application already used by the company. From 2015, by the time a job application has been accepted, the entire recruitment process takes place in a user-friendly HRM application interface which keeps the participants of the process posted about their application status. For the first time in history of recruitment at PZU, an extensive database was used which is accessible to all recruiters and improves documentation management as well as has an option to preview the candidates’ applications. The recruiters may also automatically publish job offers in several locations and thus monitor effectiveness of selected candidate acquisition channels. The HRM system helps them not only save time spent on application posting and selecting job applications, but also improves security of stored data. The changed functionality helps also to build a positive image of PZU Group as an employer among candidates applying for a job at PZU. One of the key benefits of introducing the HRM recruitment module for the candidates is an option to receive an update on their recruitment project status via emails with invitations to an interview, notifications on delays in the recruitment process, or a thank you note for the participation in the process.
Building engagement and loyalty in an atmosphere of openness and cooperation is the underlying assumption in the new employee induction process in the PZU Group.
PZU has also mechanisms for entry into and exit from the organization. The assumption to the process of introducing a new employee is to build commitment and loyalty in an atmosphere of openness and cooperation. However, anyone parting with the organization by mutual consent is asked for his or her opinion on working for PZU Group and the reasons of their decision to change employer.
The following have been organized in 2015 to support employees in improving their skills, which are required at the given work post:
- PLUS training program (Professionalism – People – Skills – Trainings) – trainings are selected for the employee on the basis of his DNA appraisal (PZU competence model) which have the objective of developing the weak spots. Every program contains several training modules which develop competences in all fields, such as client, result, responsibility, development, cooperation;
- Menedżer 2.0 (Manager 2.0), program which focuses on the development of mid-level management (over 1,500 managers) in building managerial thinking, team engagement, business effectiveness of a team, as well as coaching skills indispensible at a managerial position. An interactive and gamified Inspiratorium Menedżer 2.0 (Inspiration Space Manager 2.0) platform is a continuation and extension of stationary trainings. The platform uses state-of-the-art trends to combine elements and mechanisms known from games to support development of a habit to pursue self-education and knowledge acquisition, as well as social network mechanisms to create an interactive space for sharing knowledge, experience, ideas, and inspirations;
- Lider 2.0 program, the aim of which is to strengthen key managers in the role of all-round leaders. More than 300 managers participate in it;
- coaching for the top management with the aim to support individual development;
- other forms of trainings – postgraduate studies and specialized forms of professional development, language courses;
- „Świadoma siebie” (A self-conscious me) – development program for women within „Kobiety PZU” (PZU Women) Association.
Every employee of PZU and PZU Życie benefited from an average of 27 hours of classroom training in 2015.
In addition, three projects were continued as a part of the development of the new organizational culture:
- Otwarte PZU [Open PZU] – a program designed to build employees’ awareness in the area of openness. The aim of the project is to build innovative attitudes. The program objective is to promote: direct and simple communication, feedback providing strategies, team cooperation, partner relations and research of innovative solutions;
- TalentUp a talent-building program addressed to specialists which aims to prepare the employees to work more important roles within the organization;
- SmartUP – a General MBA development program addressed to managers and directors who exhibit high potential.
It has been designed in cooperation with the Warsaw University of Technology Business School.
An internal coaching project was initiated. The project is addressed to mid-level managers and project leaders and is conducted by employees having appropriate preparation in various business fields.
PZU continues also large-scale activities promoting its brand as an employer, which are addressed to students and professionals. Year 2015 started with a uThoruj sobie drogę na staż (Your way to internship) recruitment campaign; as a result, over 100 students from the entire country joined the company. The company’s spring campaign actions were recognized by the jury at EB Excellence Award and EB Stars competitions. Popular social competitions, i.e. Studencki Projekt Roku (Student Project of the Year) and Inwestycja w Przyszłość (Investment in the Future), were continued to support the most active students and most popular academic projects.
PZU experts shared their knowledge and experience at a number of business presentations and trainings for students (i.a. during Dni Otwartego Biznesu w PZU (Open Business Days at PZU), and all image activities were supported by active and creative PZU Group Ambassadors and Advisors.
The year ended with the #najlepszastrona (#bestside) image campaign, which received another prestigious award, EBKreator. The awarded campaign is based, among others, on the new Instagram profile @pzukariera which is the third social media channel to openly communicate as an employer, alongside with Facebook and LinkedIn.